About Me
Preparing to Care For an Elderly Relative

If you have an elderly relative who is struggling to cope with living independently, you may be wondering about the different options which are available to you. This blog is designed to help you to make the right choice which provides them with the best possible care. When my mother reached the age of 80, she was starting to have trouble carrying out daily tasks. I contacted a company which provided a nurse who assisted my mother during the day. This allowed my mother to continue living in her home for another year or so. Since her health has declined even further, my mother has now been moved into a nursing home. The staff have been absolutely great and I have learnt a lot about this subject which I would like to share with you here.


Can Your Dog Move to a Retirement Community With You?

6 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Moving into a retirement community is a decision that you, and perhaps your spouse, need to consider very carefully. Whether you have children won't exactly play a major role in your decision, as they would have left home years ago. But not all children leave their parents. If you share your home with a four-legged canine child, their future also needs to be taken into consideration. Can you bring your beloved dog with you to a retirement home? Read More …

3 Steps To Craft The Retirement Lifestyle You Want

11 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Retiring is part of everyone's life. If you have decided the kind of lifestyle you want once you retire, you will need to take adequate steps in your working life to achieve this. If you've managed to carve out a comfortable retirement income and are now looking at retirement communities, follow these steps to craft the exact lifestyle you want. Be Clear About The Activities You're Interested In People are often interested in different activities in their retirement years, so consider what you're keen on and pick a community that will harness those interests to help you live the lifestyle you want. Read More …

Care at the End of Life in Aged Care Homes

26 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If someone you love is living in an aged care home and is nearing the end of their life, you can be comforted that the staff at the home will make them feel as relaxed and comfortable as they can.  If you think additional care beyond what is provided at the aged care home is necessary, you can talk to the staff about purchasing staff hours.  Consult with the staff at the aged care home and come up with a plan to best meet the care needs of the person, your family and other carers. Read More …

4 Reasons It Could Be the Right Time for Your Retirement Village Life to Begin

22 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

People have a lot of preconceptions about retirement villages. But the fact that they normally accept residents who are 55 or older should give you some idea how wrong most of these assumptions are. Of course, people choose to move into a retirement community at various different ages, and there are plenty of different reasons for doing so. If you're wondering whether the time is right for you to begin a new life, it's a big decision to make. Read More …